Section 1

Today we are going to learn about a very important event in history called World War 1. This war took place from 1914 to 1918 and involved many countries from all over the world. It was a very big and scary war, but it is important for us to learn about it so that we can understand how it has shaped our world today.

World War 1 started because of a lot of reasons. One of the main reasons was that many countries in Europe wanted to be more powerful than others. They wanted to have more land and resources. This made them compete with each other and caused a lot of tension. Eventually, all that tension exploded into a big war.

The war was fought mostly in Europe, but it also spread to other parts of the world. Many soldiers fought in trenches, which were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground. Life in the trenches was very difficult and dangerous. Soldiers had to deal with cold weather, diseases, and attacks from the enemy.

World War 1 involved new weapons that were very deadly. Tanks, airplanes, machine guns, and poison gas were used for the first time. These weapons made the war even more deadly and destructive. Millions of soldiers and civilians died during the war, and many more were injured.

In the end, the war came to an end with a treaty called the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty made Germany take the blame for the war and pay a lot of money in reparations. It also created new countries and changed the borders of many others.

  1. Why is it important for us to learn about World War 1?
  2. What were some of the reasons that caused the war?
  3. Where was the war fought?
  4. What were some of the new weapons used in World War 1?
  5. What was the name of the treaty that ended the war?

Section 2

My Day in the Life of World War 1

Hi, my name is Aoife and I'm eleven years old. I live in a small village in Ireland called Kilpatrick. Life here is quite peaceful, but the war that's happening in Europe feels so close. Even though I'm just a child, I can't help but be aware of the hardships and sacrifices people are making every day.

Today started like any other day. I woke up early in the morning and helped my mother with some chores around the house. We had to ration our food because many supplies are being sent to the soldiers fighting in the war. It's hard to always have enough to eat, but we manage.

After breakfast, I walked to school with my friends. Our school has become a place of comfort and escape from the worries of the war. Our teacher, Miss O'Sullivan, tells us stories about brave soldiers and the importance of standing united. She encourages us to write letters and draw pictures to send to the soldiers, so they know we're thinking of them.

During recess, we play games and try to forget about the war for a little while. But sometimes, we can't help but talk about it. Some of our fathers and older brothers have been called to join the fight, and we worry about them every day.

In the afternoon, we have history class. Today, we learned about the causes of the war and how it's affecting different countries. It's hard to understand why grown-ups can't find a way to make peace. I wish there was something I could do to help end the fighting.

After school, I hurry home and help my mother prepare dinner. We sit around the table and share stories of our day. My father, who works in the nearby town, tells us about the latest news he heard on the radio. Sometimes, it feels like the war is getting closer and closer to us.

Before going to bed, I say a prayer for all the people affected by the war. I pray that one day, there will be peace and happiness for everyone. Even though I'm just a child, I know that in my own small way, I can make a difference by spreading kindness and understanding.

  1. What is the name of the child?
  2. Where does Aoife live?
  3. What does Aoife do during recess?
  4. What subject does Aoife study in the afternoon?
  5. What does Aoife pray for before going to bed?


  1. Aoife
  2. Kilpatrick
  3. Plays games and talks about the war with friends
  4. History
  5. Peace and happiness for everyone

Section 3

Good evening, I'm your host, and welcome to the World War 1 News Report. Today, we bring you the latest updates on the Great War that has been raging across Europe.

In breaking news, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary has sparked a major conflict among the countries of Europe. This event, which took place on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, Bosnia, has ignited tensions that have been simmering for years.

The main countries involved in this war are known as the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The Allied Powers include countries such as France, Britain, and Russia, while the Central Powers consist of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

This war has seen the use of new and devastating weapons, such as machine guns, tanks, and poison gas. The trenches have become a common feature of the battlefields, where soldiers from both sides endure harsh conditions and constant danger.

Millions of soldiers have lost their lives in the fighting, and countless civilians have been affected by the destruction. The war has also brought about significant social changes, including the increased participation of women in the workforce.

As the war continues to unfold, it is important for everyone to stay informed and understand the impact it has on the world. We will keep you updated with the latest news and developments as they happen.


Section 4

In the small village of Ballinamore, County Leitrim, Ireland, an extraordinary event took place during the height of World War I. It was the year 1916, and the war had been raging for two long years. The people of Ballinamore, like the rest of Ireland, were feeling the impact of the war, even though they were far from the battlefields.

One day, a group of local schoolchildren stumbled upon a tattered diary in an old abandoned farmhouse. They soon discovered that the diary belonged to a young soldier named Patrick O'Malley, who had fought in the war and tragically lost his life. The children were captivated by his words and the stories he had written about his experiences on the battlefield.

As the children read through the diary, they felt a deep sense of empathy and connection with Patrick. They were moved by his bravery, his fears, and his longing for home. They realized that he was not just a character in a history book; he was a real person who had lived and died for his country.

The children were determined to honor Patrick's memory and the sacrifices made by all the soldiers during the war. They decided to organize a memorial event in their school, where they would share Patrick's diary and pay tribute to him and others who had fought in the war.

  1. What was the event that took place in Ballinamore?
  2. When did this event happen?
  3. Who did the diary belong to?
  4. Why were the children moved by Patrick's diary?
  5. What did the children do to honor Patrick's memory?